Whilst this portal will host a wide range of organisations supporting male victims of domestic abuse at a local and regional level, there a number of organisations that support male victims at a national level. These key organisations are listed below.
The ManKind Initiative
Confidential help and support for male victims of domestic abuse and domestic violence.
National Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans Domestic Violence helpline
Helpline run by Galop, provides support to LGBT
people suffering domestic abuse.Men’s Advice Line
Helpline for men experiencing domestic violence from a partner or ex-partner (or from other family members).
Abused Men in Scotland
Supporting men in Scotland who are experiencing, or who have experienced, domestic abuse.
Dyn Wales
The Safer Wales Dyn project provides support to Heterosexual, Gay, Bisexual and Trans men who are experiencing domestic abuse from a partner.
Men’s Advisory Project
For confidential support and information for male victims of domestic abuse in Northern Ireland.
Sign Health
Provide services to Deaf people through crisis textlines, domestic abuse support, therapy, advocacy and residential services.
Karma Nirvana
Supports victims of honour-based abuse and forced marriage.
National Stalking Helpline
Advice and support for victims of stalking.
CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably)
National charity which exists to prevent suicide in the UK, offer a free and confidential helpline and webchat.
Provide emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide.
Contact Us
To find out more, please contact the ManKind Initiative on 01823 334229 or mdan@mankind.org.uk